SUZUKI Teruaki(Japan)
Born in Sendai city in 1958. Graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music and its Graduate School where he studied under Akira Miyoshi.
Amongst many awards and prizes he won are there the first prize at 46th The Music Competition of Japan for chamber music and the second prize at 51st The Music Competition of Japan for orchestra work respectively, the 7th Japan Symphony Foundation Composition Award in 1984, Hambach Prize in 1985 for orchestra work and in 1987 for chamber music respectively, the Muramatsu Award in 1991, Miyagi prefectural Art Encouragement Prize in 2001, and the 12th Kenzo Nakajima Music Prize as a member of Art Respirant.
From 2007, he hosts the concert series 〈Point de Vue〉whose program is composed of chamber music by Japanese composers. Director of The Japan Federation of Composers Inc. (JFC). He was Lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts from 2012 to 2017, and currently professor at Toho Gakuen School of Music.
Quatuor à Cordes Ⅴ
I composed "String quartet no.5" for "Asian Music Festival 2022" hosted by The Japan Federation of Composers Inc. (JFC). Other than "String quartet" without any specific title, literally this is my 5th String quartet and is composed of a single movement.
The work with Adagio as theme has both extreme sound image of lyrical continuation and abstract texture. The transforming passage with the motif would explore in spiral to lead to polyphonic Maestoso sound field. 

The fast motifs intermittently intervening in the process of transformation is an aspect the theme involves in it.
And as inevitable movement generated in the time, they closely work together.
This piece is the described aspiration for a song which is spined by a breath of the ensemble.