MIZUNO Mikako(Japan)


Her recent works were performed in ICMC2017, 2018, 2019, NIME2021, the opening concert of Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts, the concerts of Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Project etc.
She had lectures or master classes in Université Paris 1, Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Reims, IRCAM, Beijing Central Conservatory of Music and Taiwan National Chiao Tung University. Professor of Nagoya City University. President of Japanese Society of Electronic Music.

Diastema of sleep and reminiscence --- from 《Parva naturalia》
Diastema of sleep and reminiscence was composed with an image of human consciousness, supported by the theory of placement, emptiness, space and movement described in Aristotle's physics. Rapid change of dynamics occurs frequently and the consciousness dives into the deeper level where we can't know it's the reminiscence or the sleep. This piece is the revised second movement of a piece for grand orchestra titled Parva naturalia.